I’m Juha Liikala, a software engineer, based in Oulu. Currently at Synopsys, I build web based tools that help make software safer.

In the past, I’ve freelanced, gone startup founder and worked for several software companies wearing many different hats (front-end, product design & more). For professional enquiries, contact me on LinkedIn.

When I’m not exploring the world together with my wife, I immerse myself on synthwave tunes or indulge in binge-watching (sci-fi and horror genres being among my favourites).

Occasionally "social"

Every now and then, you'll find me sharing thoughs, pics and ideas on Instagram, Micro.blog or Threads. Come say hi, maybe? 👇

Julkaisu käyttäjältä @nomadcouch
Näytä Threadsissä

Oh, and of course, you can also reach out to me via email. 👉 hello at juhaliikala.com.

Right now

  • Nine to five: I’m currently working full-time in staff software engineer role at Synopsys, building web based tools that help make software safer.
  • Freelancing: I have very limited time nowadays for freelance gigs, but if you have something extra special in mind, don’t hesitate to get in touch.
  • Products and business ventures: There's always something brewing, but let's get back to those when there's something proper to show 😉

Thanks for dropping by. Cheers! 👋

Beautiful Uluwatu background picture by Steven Wilcox.